Medical scribing training in banglore
Top Three Benefits of Virtual Medical Scribing Medical scribes have come an extended way since they first appeared as notetakers for hospital room clinicians within the 1970s. Ever since the federal HITECH Act incentivized healthcare providers to adopt EHRs, scribing has become a fast-growing field within the U.S., with the workforce expanding from 15,000 in 2015 to approximately 100,000 in 2020. As a part of a growing job segment in healthcare, scribes may be expensive, costing the maximum amount as $50,000 annually per scribe. They’re also hard to scale across healthcare organizations if a private scribe is assigned to a physician per shift. The solution to challenges with cost and scale? Virtual medical scribing. According to Fortune, before COVID-19, most scribes—typically young, aspiring health professionals—worked within the exam room some paces faraway from the doctor and patient. Last year, because the pandemic led patients to shun clinics and hospi